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10:11 a.m. - February 03, 2004
Another White Dash
There is something exciting about leaving everything behind

There is something deep and pulling

leaving everything behind

Something about having everything

you think you�ll ever need

sitting in the seat next to you...

and I watch...

Another white dash-

another white dash-

another white dash-

Fly beside us....

and I watch

Another white dash-

another white dash-

another white dash-

Fly beneath us...away away.

There is yelling of an engine a constant rattling door

There is serious deep and mumbled-

a conversation I�m not in.

Flickering lights- shadows of trees-

makes me blink my eyes-

makes the land- appear like a really old mooooooovie

and I watch...

Another white dash-

another white dash-

another white dash-

Fly beside us....

and I watch

Another white dash-

another white dash-

another white dash-

Fly beneath us...away away

I got a heart full, of rubberbaaaaands

That keep... getting... caught on...thiiiiiiiiings.

And I count

Another white dash- another white dash-

another white dash

I drift off at eighty...something!

And I count

Another white dash- another white dash-

another white dash

Out of time with the muuuusiiiiiiic!!



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