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4:44 p.m. - Oct. 25, 2002

Friday....doldrums kinda. The weather SUX!!! HARD. Its rainy and yukky. Makes it hard to get motivated...think I need a Redbull..brb.........................................................................................................

Okay better....I think I may go hang with D tonight at the Goat. We were gonna go dancing but my hip hurts a bit I think cuz of the weather. its raining and my rumatism is setting in. I went shopping for a bit today and did my nails for halloween. I thought I was going to a Halloween party tomorrow but it is too expensive. So I am going to a b-day party with D for one of her roomies friends. Could be cool.

Kinda sorta talked to J today. Trying to make semi amends but he and I are both afraid of hurting each other more than we already have. I hafta separate myself from emotions when he is around...AND not let him hang out ALL the time. I told him where I was going we will see if he shows up or not....Should be interesting.

Met some okay guys at the jaycees thingy last night...they seemed a little pompous...Smear isnt in the mood to go out but she may show anyway...I gave her a call.

well I will write more when I get back ...




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